

CHANDLER, AZ (July 27, 2023) –Yield Engineering Systems (YES), 为半导体生态系统和应用提供技术解决方案和工艺设备的领先供应商, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony today for its new 123,000-square-foot facility in Chandler, Arizona. The facility is located at 3200 W. Germann Road within the Price Corridor employment center.


The state-of-the-art YES Advanced Technology Center (YATC) will include 50,5000平方英尺的制造空间,用于无与伦比的半导体制造和工艺开发. There will also be a 10,在第一个开发阶段,将扩大到大约40平方英尺的洁净室,000-square-feet in the future. 洁净室将允许YES与其客户合作开发创新流程并验证平台原型.


For over four decades, YES一直处于研究和开发的最前沿,开创了世界各地半导体晶圆厂使用的新设备. 其产品组合包括尖端技术和创新硬件,推动多个行业的进步, from artificial intelligence and high-performance computing, to life sciences and mixed reality applications.


“YATC不仅为我们的客户和合作伙伴提供最先进的新工艺开发设备, 但它也是一个中心,将通过创新的商业模式与我们的供应链合作伙伴合作,带来一流的复杂产品制造, that enables significant job creation in the United States,” said Rama Alapati, CEO of Yield Engineering Systems. “We are thankful and proud to partner with the City of Chandler, State of Arizona and the federal government in bringing the YATC to life.”


“Designed to the highest standards of safety and workplace efficiency, the YATC will play a central role in our R&D与我们的全球客户群合作,并将帮助他们实现令人兴奋的技术路线图,” said Rezwan Lateef, President of Yield Engineering Systems. “这也反映了我们对美国努力建立强大的国内半导体产业的承诺, and we are proud to be a part of Arizona's burgeoning technology ecosystem."


“YES has been financially supported by KCK Group for the past six years,” said Krishna Nety, Board Member of YES and Senior Managing Director at KCK Group. “YES的持续增长和成功是KCK致力于美国竞争力的一个很好的例子, driven by industrial and emerging technologies.”


支持美国半导体制造基础设施的快速扩张, YES已经在该设施上投资了2500万美元,旨在将其作为一个卓越中心,帮助加强亚利桑那州和整个美国的半导体产业.S.-based semiconductor ecosystem. The YATC should be complete by the end of 2023 and employ approximately 100 people, further propelling the region's technological prowess.


“Yield Engineering System的新YATC工厂将加强亚利桑那州作为半导体制造中心的领导地位,” said Arizona Senior Senator Kyrsten Sinema. “这就是为什么我很自豪能够帮助两党通过《cq9传奇电子论坛》,推动亚利桑那州的职业发展, keep Americans safe against foreign adversaries like China, and boost our economic competitiveness."


“The East Valley is metro Phoenix’s hub for advanced manufacturing, and we didn’t develop that reputation by accident,” said Representative Greg Stanton. “这要归功于多年的辛勤工作、规划和有针对性的投资,比如我们的两党合作的《cq9传奇电子论坛》. 像YES这样的领先公司选择利用钱德勒所提供的一切,扩大业务以满足不断增长的需求,我感到非常兴奋.”


“我们很高兴地庆祝Yield Engineering Systems技术中心在钱德勒的盛大开业,” said Sandra Watson, President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce Authority. 专注于卓越的制造和创新的研发业务, YES的新工厂是亚利桑那州不断发展的半导体产业的重要补充.”


“将产量工程系统纳入我们的生态系统,为我们这个充满活力的行业提供了另一条臂膀,” said Chris Camacho, President and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council. “With its manufacturing capabilities and commitment to collaboration on new, innovative processes, YES将成长为钱德勒和大凤凰城半导体生态系统的关键组成部分.”


“我们很高兴正式欢迎另一家高价值半导体供应商加入Yield Engineering Systems,” said Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke. “钱德勒出色的劳动力和友好的商业环境继续使我们的社区成为这些竞争激烈的cq9传奇电子论坛的候选名单. 我们感谢YES在钱德勒的重大投资,以及我们社区将提供的新工作机会.”

Media Contacts
Stephanie Quinn, Kiterocket, on behalf of YES, [email protected]

Alyssa Tufts, Arizona Commerce Authority, [email protected]

Stephanie Romero, City of Chandler, [email protected]

About YES
Yield Engineering Systems (YES)是表面和材料增强技术解决方案的供应商. YES的高科技工艺设备有助于实现人工智能(AI)的复杂工艺。, high performance computing (HPC), sciences and mixed reality applications. YES’ highly advanced thermal processing systems, deposition systems, 湿蚀和清洁技术在先进节点硅片的加工中起着至关重要的作用, next-generation substrates, wafer- and panel-level packages, power semiconductors, life compound semiconductors, internet of things (IoT) devices, microLED and miniLED displays, and micro-fluidic consumables for genomics. With innovative technologies designed to optimize performance and cost of ownership, YES是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,从初创企业到财富100强企业,在广泛的市场. YES is headquartered in Fremont, California. To learn more about YES’ systems and service offerings, visit yieldengineering.com.


About the Arizona Commerce Authority
亚利桑那州商务管理局(ACA)是该州领先的经济发展组织,其精简的使命是发展和加强亚利桑那州的经济. The ACA uses a three-pronged approach to advance the overall economy: attract, expand, create - attract out-of-state companies to establish operations in Arizona; work with existing companies to expand their business in Arizona and beyond; and help entrepreneurs create new Arizona businesses in targeted industries. For more information, please visit 90bc.net and follow the ACA on Twitter @azcommerce.


About City of Chandler
Chandler, Arizona has built a reputation as a Community of Innovation. 钱德勒的生活不仅仅是一个蓬勃发展、充满活力的商业社区,还有不断进取的创业精神. Known for its rich diversity, 这座城市为各代人提供了优质的生活,拥有一流的学校和娱乐机会. 钱德勒已经发展成为该州第四大城市,人口超过28.6万. 钱德勒被评为美国最佳工作地点之一,也是最适合科技女性的城市. 该市也是美国最安全的社区之一,拥有三家国家评级机构的AAA债券评级, one of only 40 communities to achieve this distinction. For more information, visit the City website, or connect with Chandler on social media.